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Quiz 17 Juniors Answers
- What is the name of the first Sūrah (Chapter) of the Holy Qur’ān?
Sūrah al-Fātiha. - Write the meaning of this name.
It means “The Opening”. - What is another name for this Sūrah?
Another name for Sūrah al-Fātiha is Sūrah al-Hamd. - Write the meaning of this name.
Al-Hamd means the Praise of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. - How many verses does it contain?
7 verses. - What is the name of the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam?
Sayyidatinā Fātima Rady Allāhu Ta‘ālā ‘Anhā. - What is meant by Firdaws?
Firdaws is the highest part of Paradise. - Another name for the Holy Qur’ān is al-Furqān. What is meant by al-Furqān?
Al-Furqān means the Proof or the Criterion of Judgment which distinguishes truth from falsehood. - At what time do we break the fast in the month of Ramadān?
At sunset (Maghrib). - Who was Fir‘awn?
The Pharoah. - In the time of which Prophet ‘Alayhissalām did he live?
He lived in the time of Nabī Mūsā ‘Alayhissalām. - Who was the fourth Khalīfa of Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam?
Sayyidinā ‘Alī Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu. - What is meant by ghazwa?
Ghazwa means battle. - Mention any one ghazwa of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam.
The Battle of Badr. - Mention any three of the Most Beautiful Names of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā.
Any three of these Most Beautiful Names of Allāh can be mentioned: Allāh, ar-Rahmān, ar-Rahīm, al-Malik, and al-Quddūs. - Write down their meanings.
Their meanings are:
Allāh (Allāh is the Name of the One and Only God Who is worthy of worship)
Ar-Rahmān (The Beneficent)
Ar-Rahīm (The Merciful)
Al-Malik (The King)
Al-Quddūs (The Most Holy). - What is meant by Sunnah?
Sunnah is the tradition of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. It is what he did, said or approved of. - Mention any one deed or act that is a Sunnah.
Any one of these Sunnahs can be mentioned:
(a) to be truthful, honest and trustworthy
(b) to smile and be friendly
(c) to be patient when faced with difficulties. - What is meant by ‘amal sālih?
‘Amal sālih means a good deed. - Mention any three ‘amal sālih.
Some of the ‘amal sālih are:
(a) to pray salāh five times a day
(b) to respect and obey the parents
(c) to help the needy.