Welcome to Islam
Accept Islam for your salvation
Live according to Islam for your spiritual progress
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā
K is for Kalimah at-Tawhīd
The House of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā in
Makka in the direction of which Muslims face when praying and circumambulate when
in Makka. It was built by Sayyidinā Nabī Ibrāhīm
‘Alayhissalām for the worship of Allāh Subhānahū
wa Ta‘ālā
Ka‘batu’l Ka‘ba
The Ka‘ba of the Ka‘ba, an attributive title of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, used by Imām Ahmad Raza
Khan Rahmatullāhi ‘alayh in his religious poetry.
It is narrated that once, Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam commanded Sayyidinā Bilāl Rady Allāh
‘Anhu to climb on top of the Ka‘ba to give the adhān. When he was
on top of the Ka‘ba, Sayyidinā Bilāl Rady Allāhu
‘Anhu asked him in which direction he should face to give the adhān. So
far, he had given the adhān facing the direction of the Ka‘ba but now
that he was on the Ka‘ba itself, he did not know which direction to face.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam said,
“Face me and give the adhān”. Hence, the Beloved Holy Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam is the Ka‘ba
of the Ka‘ba!. Allāhu Akbar (Allāh is Supremely Great!)
the major sins. Some of the major sins are: polytheism, disobedience of parents,
killing a person without just cause, taking a false oath, wrongfully consuming an
orphan’s property, drinking, adultery and fornication, sodomy and lesbianism,
misappropriating public funds, theft, cursing, severing ties of kinship,
tale-bearing which stirs up enmity between people, gambling, hurting Muslims, and
spying on the Muslims to reveal their weaknesses. May Allāh save us from all
these sins, Āmīn
liar, specifically refers to a false Prophet, anyone who claims to be a Prophet
after Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (syn:
shroud for burial for which a white, unstitched cloth is used
whole, entire. Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā says
in the Holy Qur’ān that He sent Prophet Muhammad
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam to guide the whole of mankind, one
and all
expiatory payment for non-fulfilment of a religious duty such as deliberately
breaking a fast before completion, or for breaking an oath or a promise. For
example, the kaffāra for breaking a fast without a valid reason is to make up
for it after Ramadān by fasting for sixty consecutive days, or to feed
sixty poor people two proper meals, or to feed one poor person two proper meals for
sixty days, or to give them an equivalent amount of money (pl:
unbeliever, one who does not believe in the religion of Islām. Muslims should
never address a non-Muslim as a kāfir or call him a kāfir because, who
knows, Allāh might one day open his heart to Islām. Instead, Muslims
should pray that may Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā guide all the non-Muslims to Islām so that they might
also get a chance to taste its sweetness (pl: kāfirūn, kuffār)
camphor. If camphor is available, it is Sunnah (a Prophetic tradition) to apply it
lightly to the body of a dead Muslim after he/she has been given the ritual bath
(ghusl). Then the deceased is shrouded and funeral prayers are offered before
soothsayer, fortune-teller (not to be consulted)
the world, the universe
it also means theology, or the study of religious beliefs
the Words of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā,
refers to the Holy Qur’ān
word, a declaration (pl: kalimāt)
Kalimah at-Tawhīd
the Word of monotheism, or the Declaration of faith in Islamic monotheism,
declaring belief in the Oneness of Allāh, the One and Only God who is worthy
of worship, and accepting Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam as His Messenger.
Kalimah at-Tawhīd is: Lā ilāha Illallāh
None is worthy of worship except Allāh,
Muhammad is the Prophetic Messenger of Allāh.
Anyone who believes in this and declares it, is a Muslim. Any non-believer who
believes in this and declares it becomes a Muslim and all his or her past sins are
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam has said
that this is the best dhikr (remembrance) and will weigh more heavily on the
weighing scales of good deeds on the Day of Judgment than everything else put
together. That is why we try to recite it at least a hundred times everyday and
hope and pray that we recite it at the time of our death, Āmīn (syn:
Kalimah ash-Shahādah: The Muslim Testimony of Faith; Miftāh
u’l Jannah: The Key to Paradise)
The Word of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. We
should work righteousness not for the name or fame of ourselves, or of our
organization, or of our tribe or nation but so that the Exalted Word of Allāh
is praised and raised high above all else
kalimatun tayyibatun
a good word (always bears fruit)
The one who talked with Allāh, a title of Sayyidinā Nabī
Mūsā ‘alayhissalām
perfection, completion.
Allāh is Dhu’l Kamāl, the Possessor of all Perfection. Allāh
is also the Creator of perfection in form and substance, and the Bestower of such
perfection to whomever He pleases. Allāh’s attribute of Perfection is
never compared to human excellence and perfection in certain endeavours. Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā is Transcendent and beyond
comparison. We know that we ourselves are very weak but we also know that the
Awliyā’ Allāh (Friends of Allāh) have achieved perfection in
obeying Allāh and His Prophet, and in acquiring beautiful moral character in
accordance with the perfection that Allāh has bestowed upon them
Kamāl u’d-Dīn
the perfection of religion, the name or title of a Muslim
kamāl al-ikhlās
the perfection of sincerity. Muslims should pray to Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā for complete sincerity
kamāl al-īmān
the perfection of faith. May Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā perfect our faith, Āmīn
kamāl al-istiqāmah
being perfectly steadfast on the religion of Islām
kamāl al-khashiyah
the perfection of the reverential awe of Allāh in one’s heart
kamāl al-ittibā‘
total and complete obedience to the Commandments of Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā as taught by Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
kamāl as-sidq
total and complete truthfulness
kamāl al-wara‘
perfect scrupulousness, perfect piousness
perfect, complete (f: kāmilah);
also the name of a poetical meter
was, existed, happened;
it also means “to be”, to exist, to happen (f: kānat)
generosity, nobility
noble-hearted, generous;
miracle, charismatic gift, charismatic power, an honour. Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā honours His Friends (the
awliyā’ Allāh) by making them transcend the ordinary laws of
physical existence (pl: karāmāt). Miracles performed by the
awliyā’ Allāh are called karāmāt while miracles performed
by the anbiyā’ (Prophets) ‘Alayhimussalām are called
Karram Allāhu wajhahu
“May Allāh ennoble his face”, said when Sayyidinā
‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib, Rady Allāhu
‘Anhu, is mentioned
laziness (we seek Allāh’s protection from it)
earn, gain, acquire. For example, to earn reward for good deeds or punishment for
bad deeds in the Hereafter. Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā creates everything including all actions but man acquires
illumination, unveiling, unveiling of spiritual mysteries. It also means sure and
certain knowledge which is in need of no proof. It is the direct perception of the
real nature of things and is of many different grades
Kāshif al-ghamm
the Remover of grief, an attribute of Allāh Subhānahū wa
to write
Ordained, Prescribed by Allāh Subhānahū wa
many, much. Muslims have been urged in the Holy Qur’ān to do the dhikr
(remembrance) of Allāh in abundance. Muslims have also been urged by Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam to invoke blessings
on him in abundance
scribe, writer (pl: kātibūn, kātibīn)
kātibūn al-wahyi
the Companions of the beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam who wrote the revelation of verses of the Holy
Qur’ān as and when they were revealed
star (pl: kawākib)
the world
two worlds, this world and the Hereafter
the name of a river in Paradise;
Fount of Abundance of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi
wa Sallam;
the name of Sūrah 108 of the Holy Qur’ān
the restrainer (of anger)
Kāzim al-ghayz
the restrainer of rage (pl: kāzimīn al-ghayz)
foul, impure (things), abomination; the bad, wrong and evil
news, information (pl: akhbār)
name of Prophet Muhammad’s first wife, Rady Allāhu
‘Anhā. She was the first person to accept Islām and is one of the
four greatest women in the whole of human history
servant (pl: khuddām)
Khādim u’n Nabī
a servant of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
Sallam. Each of his Companions considered himself to be his servant. Muslims yearn
to enter Paradise so that they can get a chance to sit at his feet to serve him
(pl: khuddām u’n Nabī)
Khādim u’l Haramayn
a servant of the Sacred Masjid in Makka and the Prophet’s Masjid in
Madīna. The plural is Khuddām u’l Haramayn. These are the
noble personalities who work in these two sacred precincts to keep them speck clean
day and night. There are other blessed nobles who help the sick and the elderly to
do tawāf (circumambulation of the Ka‘ba). May Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā keep them in good health and
reward them from His unlimited treasuries, Āmīn
khādim u’l qawm
the servant of the community. Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam said that the leader of the community is supposed to be its
hidden. Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā knows all
the hidden thoughts in everyone’s mind. Dhikr khafī is the silent
remembrance of Allāh that is hidden in one’s heart
maternal uncle (pl: akhwāl)
maternal aunt (pl: khālāt)
vice-gerent, successor, ruler, deputy, representative.
When Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā wanted to
create Nabī Ādam ‘Alayhissalām, He told the angels that He was
going to establish a Khalīfa on earth. Nabī Ādam
‘Alayhissalām was the first Prophet and all the Prophets that Allāh
sent are Khalīfatullāh (representatives of Allāh) who have taught
humanity to worship the One and Only God Allāh, and to establish His rule and
justice on earth. Sayyidunā wa Nabiyyunā Muhammad
al-Mustafā Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam is the Final
Prophet, there is no Prophet after him. But we still have the Awliyā’
Allāh (Friends of Allāh, sūfī saints) who are the
Khalīfatullāh on earth who will raise the Word of Allāh high above
all else.
After Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, came
his Khulafā’ (plural of Khalīfa). They were both
Khalīfatullāh (representatives of Allāh) as well as
Khalīfatu’r Rasūl (the representatives or successors of the Prophet
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam). The first four of them are
generally identified as the Khulafā’ ar-Rāshidūn, the
rightly-guided successors. These are: Sayyidinā Abū Bakr
as-Siddīq, Sayyidinā ‘Umar al-Fārūq,
Sayyidinā ‘Uthmān Dhu’n Nūrayn and Sayyidinā
‘Alī al-Murtadā, Rady Allāhu ‘Anhum.
Theirs was the glorious period of the Muslim Khilāfat in which Muslims ruled
as Khalīfa and Islām spread to all four corners of the world.
In his final illness, when Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam could not lead the prayers, he insisted that Sayyidinā
Abū Bakr as-Siddīq Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu lead the
prayers which he did. This is a sign that Sayyidinā Abū Bakr
as-Siddīq Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu, his friend who was
“thāniyathnayn” (the second of the two in the cave with him) was
to be his successor and Muslim leader after him.
The Khulafā’ ar-Rāshidūn in their time followed the
Qur’ān (the Word of Allāh) and the Sunnah (tradition) of Prophet
Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, and consulted
various knowledgeable Companions (sahāba) in arriving at a
decision about both religious and mundane matters. They also sent various
sahāba as their representatives (Khulafā’) to various
countries to teach Islām.
After the Khulafā’ ar-Rāshidūn, the Muslim Khulafā’
(rulers) traditionally sought advice and guidance on religious matters and
sharī‘a (sacred Muslim law) from the ‘ulamā (learned
scholars), the mashāyikh (spiritual masters), and the awliyā’
Allāh (Friends of Allāh, sūfī saints). The rules
established by the Khalīfa (Muslim ruler) govern the running of the country
while the daily lives of the people are governed by the teaching and the guidance
of the shaykh (spiritual master) based on the Qur’ān and the Sunnah.
The walī Allāh (friend of Allāh) is also a Khalīfatullāh
(representative of Allāh). Through his exemplary life-style, he draws people
to Islām and transforms their lives so that they become noble, generous and
pious Muslims. The sūfī saints have grades with Allāh. Among
them are the Qutb (Pillar of Spiritual Guidance), the Awtād (Pegs), the
Abdāl (Substitutes), the Nuqabā’ (Chiefs) and the
Nujabā’(Nobles). They are identified among people and the malāika
(angels) by various other titles. For example, Muhyiddīn Shaykh
‘Abdul Qādir al-Jīlānī is ghawth al-a‘zam
(the greatest spiritual helper), Imām al-Ghazālī is hujjat u’l
Islām (the Proof of Islām), al-Habīb al-Imām ‘Umar
bin ‘AbdurRahmān al-‘Attās is qutb
u’l anfās (the pillar of pure breaths), al-Habīb
al-Imām ‘Abdallāh bin ‘Alawī al-Haddād is
qutb u’l irshād (the pillar of religious guidance), and
Sayyidī wa Murshidī wa Imāmī al-Habīb al-Imām
Ahmad Mashhūr bin Tāhā al-Haddād is
sultān u’l muqarrabīn (the sultan of those drawn near to
Allāh), may Allāh make us benefit from their learning,
The shaykh in turn may appoint one khalīfa (deputy, representative) or many
khulafā’ and give them ijāza (permission) to teach and spread the
religion of Islām. They thus become the Khalīfatu’s shaykh. If, by
the Grace of Allāh, they acquire ikhlās u’n niyyah (purity
of intention) without any self-interest, sidq (sincere truthfulness),
istiqāmah (steadfastness in Islām), and mahabba (love), then,
Allāh in His unbounded generosity might appoint them as His Khalīfa
(Khalīfatullāh) as well.
The Khilāfat (rule) of the awliyā’ Allāh is on the hearts of
the people, and it is based on love and will continue till the Day of Judgment by
the Will of Allāh. They are promoters of piety so that people can achieve
success in this life as well as in the Hereafter.
Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā appoints the
Khalīfatullāh from the four corners of the earth and from all nations and
tribes. He appoints them from the Ahl al-Bayt (the Family of the Prophet) and their
dhurriyya (descendants), as well as those who are not from the Ahl al-Bayt. But our
Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
loves all of them as his own family.
Sallū ‘ala’l Habīb i’l
Allāhumma Salli wa Sallim ‘alayh
Invoke blessings on the Most Beloved Prophet Muhammad!
May the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him!
Friend (pl: akhillā’)
Friend of Allāh, a title of Prophet Ibrāhīm,
Pure, one who works purely for the sake of Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā (f:
Allāh's creation
seclusion (for worship of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā, and spiritual progress)
wine or any other alcoholic beverage or material. This is harām
(prohibited) in Islām
the trench. When the non-believers of Makka planned to attack Madīna in 5
A.H/627 C.E, Hadrat Salmān al-Fārisī Rady Allāhu
‘Anhu suggested that a trench should be dug to ward off their attack. This
was done. The non-believers laid an unsuccessful siege and then retreated. This
came to be called ghazwa al-Khandaq (the battle of Khandaq).
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
himself helped in digging the trench and while it was being dug, he prophesied that
Islām would spread to all the four corners of the world which it did in a very
few years
the slinking one, the sneaking one, the lurking one who whispers evil thoughts in
the minds of the people (refers to the devil, as well as those persons who suggest
evil to others)
humble (pl: khāshi‘ūn; f: khāshi‘a; f, pl:
reverential awe of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā
in worshipping and obeying Him
special, the spiritual elite
khāss al-khāss
mistake, sin (pl: khatāyā)
mistake, sin (pl: khatīāt)
seal-ring, seal. Prophet Muhammad’s silver seal-ring bore the
inscription: Muhammad-ur- Rasūlullāh (Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allāh) (syn: khātim)
Khātam u’n Nabiyyīn
The Seal of the Prophets, the Final Prophet, a title of Prophet Muhammad,
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. He is the Final Prophet who
brought the Final Message from Allāh in the form of the Holy Qur’ān
for the whole of mankind till the end of time. There is no Prophet after him.
Anyone who does not accept him as the Final Prophet is not considered to be a
one who gives the khutba (sermon)
involuntary thought, notion (pl: khawātir)
khātir al-hawā
notion prompted by passion
khātir al-malak
angelic notion (syn: khātir malakī)
khātir an-nafs
selfish notion (syn: khātir nafsānī)
khātir al-qalb
notion from the heart
khātir Rabbānī
notion from Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā
khātir shaytānī
satanic notion
recitation of the whole Qur’ān, especially in memory of a deceased
person at the end of which there is a supplication to Allāh
Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā to give its heavenly reward to
the deceased and to forgive him or her and all the Muslims
writing, script
those who rebelled against the Khalīfa, an ancient deviant sect which
believed that committing major sins turns a Muslim into a non-believer (s:
Allāh says in the Holy Qur’ān that His Friends (the
awliyā’ Allāh) neither have any fear nor do they grieve. A Muslim
does not fear anyone or anything except Allāh. A Muslim’s faith lies
between khawf (fear of Allāh’s punishment in the Hereafter for sins
committed) and rajā’ (hope that Allāh will be merciful)
a settlement north of Madīna famous for the Battle of Khaybar which took place
in 7 A.H/629 C.E. The Jews of Khaybar were for a long time behaving treacherously
against the Muslims, so the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam laid siege to Khaybar and captured it
horse (syn: faras)
tent. The Muslim Pilgrims stay in tents in Mina and ‘Arafa (pl:
good, better, best (pl: akhyār)
Khayr u’l khalq
The best creation of Allāh, an attributive title of Prophet Muhammad
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam
Khayr u’l qurūn
the best generations which are the first three generations of Muslims from the
time of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi
wa Sallam. The best generation is the generation of the Prophet,
Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, the second best is the one that
followed and the third best is the one that followed that
Khayr u’d dīn
the goodness of religion, the name or title of a Muslim
good deeds
treasures, treasuries (of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā) (s: khazīna)
treasurer, storekeeper, guard. The treasurer has to be scrupulously honest (pl:
service; to serve others, for example, to serve one’s parents, one’s
shaykh, the elders, the sick and the wounded, and the Muslim community in general.
This is considered to be better than to pray nawāfil (additional optional)
al-Khidr ‘Alayhissalām
many mashāyikh (spiritual masters) have explained that al-Khidr
‘Alayhissalām is the saint whom Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā referred to in the Qur’ān as one of His servants
and on whom He bestowed direct knowledge from Himself (18:65). He accompanied
Prophet Mūsā, ‘Alayhissalām. He also received and drank the
water of life. He symbolizes a guiding spirit which is present and active in every
age (also referred to as Khadir ‘Alayhissalām)
a veil which covers the head, the neck, the ears, and the chest but not the face.
Muslim women maintain chastity and dress decently so that the shape of their body
does not show, and they cover themselves properly except for the hands and the
sūfī robe, robe which is put on the murīd (spiritual
disciple) by his shaykh (spiritual master)
al-khisālu’l jamīla
beautiful habits
al-khisālu dh-dhamīma
blameworthy habits
circumcision. Muslim boys are to be circumcised, according to the consensus of all
the four schools of Muslim law (also called khatn)
perfidy, breach of trust, betrayal, deception, not to return the things kept in
one’s trust in the same amounts or in the same condition
moral degradation, wickedness
leather socks
character trait (pl: akhlāq)
khuluq-un ‘azīm
exalted standard of character (of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam)
khuluq-un hasan
good moral behaviour, good character
purity, sincerity
khulūs u’n niyya
sincerity of intention
one fifth of war booty given to the public treasury
submissiveness and humility (in prayer) (syn: khudū‘)
loss (from following evil) (syn: khasāra)
khusūf (al-qamar)
lunar eclipse;
kusūf (ash-shams): solar eclipse
sermon; public address, especially in the masjid on Friday
two sermons (of the Friday prayers)
khutbat-u’l widā’
the Farewell Sermon of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa Sallam in his Farewell Pilgrimage
khutbat-u’n nikāh
the sermon delivered at the marriage ceremony
greatness, pride, arrogance
al-Kibrīt al-Ahmar
“Red Sulphur”, “the Philosopher’s Stone”, something
very rare to come by, refers to an invocation or a supplication to Allāh one
loves most dearly
Allāh’s Grandeur, Greatness, Majesty, Domination
lie, falsehood
Kirāman kātibīn
honoured recorders; the Recording Angels, who record the good and the bad deeds of
people, refers to the two angels, one on the right shoulder who records good deeds
and the other on the left shoulder who records bad deeds
the king of Persia, Chosroes (Cyrus), Khusraw, title of ancient kings of Persia.
Islām is a universal religion and it soon spread to Persia as prophesied by
our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
the cloth that covers the Ka‘ba
The Book, The Qur’ān
book (pl: kutub)
Great, a title of Sayyidatinā Khadīja Rady Allāhu
unbelief, to disbelieve in any of the articles of the Islamic faith
kohl, antimony. It is Sunnah (a Prophetic tradition) for both men and women to
apply kohl to the eyes, especially on Fridays and days of ‘Īd
all, each and every. Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā is the Creator of each and everything
be! The first order of Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā which began creation
Kun fa yakūn
“Be”! and it becomes. Allāh Subhānahū wa
Ta‘ālā gave the Command “Be”! and everything came into
a respectful and affectionate way of calling people as the “father of so-
and so-” or the “mother of so- and so- ”.
Allāh’s Seat