Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Iqra Islamic Publications
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Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

U is for the Ummah

Allāh’s servant.
It literally means “the little one who is a servant of Allāh”. So if one child is called ‘Abdullāh or servant of Allāh, the next is sometimes named ‘Ubaydullāh. ‘Ubaydullāh is diminutive for ‘Abdullāh, indicating smallness. In the same way, if one child is named Hasan which means “the one who is so Good”, the next born is usually named Husayn which means “the little one who is so Good”. Similarly, if someone is named Asad (Lion), you will find that his younger brother has been named Usayd which means “the little Lion”.
‘Ubaydullāh, Husayn and Usayd are diminutive forms for ‘Abdullāh, Hasan and Asad respectively. In the same way, we have diminutive forms for many names

obedience and service to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

aloes wood, often burned for its fragrant scent during gatherings of dhikr (remembrance of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

sacrificial animal. Example: the sacrificial animal for ‘Īd al- Adhā. One third of the sacrificial animal is for one’s family, one third for the poor, and one third for the relatives, friends and neighbours

valid excuse, legally valid excuse for not performing an obligatory religious duty. For example, a sick person is excused from fasting

ear. The ears are a great gift from Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. They can be put to good use listening to the Holy Qur’ān and the Hadīth, hearing the adhān (the call to Prayer), listening to talks on Islām and listening to one’s elders. At the same time, Muslims avoid listening to filthy language, and listening to the instigations of someone who wants to create mischief

uff is a word of annoyance or irritation, and shows disrespect. We are not allowed to say even “uff” to our parents

horizon (pl: āfāq)

a mountain north of Madīna which Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam said he loved and which loved him. This shows that he was at one with nature.
The Battle of Uhud was fought at the foot of this mountain between the Muslims and the polytheists in 3 A.H. in which our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayi wa Sallam fought bravely, his teeth were wounded and he dealt a fatal blow to one of the enemy soldiers.
His uncle Sayyidinā Hamza Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu, the Lion of Allāh, was martyred in this battle. Wahshī killed him but Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam forgave Wahshī when he accepted Islām. Hind of the enemy camp had Sayyidinā Hamza Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu mutilated and she chewed his liver. Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam forgave her when she accepted Islām. This was how forgiving and magnanimous he was. He transformed the lives of backward non-believers and turned them into noble human beings when they accepted Islām.
allū ‘ala’r Rasūl
Allāhumma Salli wa Sallim ‘alayh
Ask for Allāh’s blessings on the Prophetic Messenger
May Allāh’s blessings and peace be upon him.
Today, some of the Christian priests in the U.S.A. are slandering our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. Did you ever see more way be-gone people on earth? They claim to possess something which they claim no other people have and they call it Christian love, yet they stoop to slandering not any ordinary person, but the greatest Prophet sent by Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā, and the greatest personality created by Allāh, whom Allāh sent as a mercy for all the worlds. If Allāh wills, He might guide even these people to Islām, so that one day, even they might aspire to gain everlasting bliss and salvation, Āmīn

self-love, vainglory, vanity, self-admiration.
‘Ujb is a destructive vice that destroys the reward of good deeds. If we perform good deeds, we should not begin to admire ourselves, but should thank Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā for His guidance

sister (pl: akhawāt)

brotherhood. Before the advent of Islām in Madīna, the Aws and the Khazraj, the two major tribes there, were at war. When Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam migrated to Madīna, he reconciled them and made them brothers in Islām. He taught and demonstrated in practice that Muslims of all nationalities, tribes and colours are one brotherhood, each part strengthening the other.
He established brotherhood between the Muhājirīn (the Migrants from Makka) and the Ansār (the Helpers of Madīna), such a bond and sincere brotherhood that has no parallel in history

The Highest.
Tabāraka Dhu’l ‘Ulā: Blessed is He Who is the Highest, an attribute of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

learned religious scholars (s: ‘ālim)

‘ulamā’ ‘ummāl
scholars who put knowledge into practice and act according to sacred Muslim law

friendship, intimacy, affection

Ulu’l ‘azm
possessors of perseverance, refers to the five greatest Prophets, that is, Nabī Muhammad, Nabī Ibrāhīm, Nabī Mūsā, Nabī ‘Īsā, and Nabī Nūh, ‘Alayhimussalām

ulu’l albāb
men of understanding, men of insight

ulu’l ‘ilm
those with knowledge, refers to the ‘ulamā’ (Muslim scholars)

ulu’l amr
those in authority.
The most celebrated ulu’l amr in Islām are the Khulafā ar-Rāshidūn, that is, Sayyidinā Abū Bakr as-Siddīq, Sayyidinā ‘Umar, Sayyidinā ‘Uthmān, and Sayyidinā ‘Alī Rady Allāhu ‘Anhum.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam appointed some of his Companions to authority and sent them to various countries to accomplish various tasks. He taught them that anyone who is in authority has to be obeyed, whether he is white or black. This was his teaching about universal Muslim brotherhood, and about the elimination of racism, and it was put into practice and realized. Slaves were emancipated, appointed to authority, and made leaders who fulfilled their tasks with ‘adl (justice), and ihsān (excellence). Slaves were turned into noble masters who were loved by the people for their piety and wisdom. This is the concept of ulu’l amr in Islām that has been realized in practice.
Islām champions law and order, and is against sedition, lawlessness and anarchy. Towards this end, the ulu’l amr (those in authority) have to be obeyed. If they follow the Qur’ān and the Sunnah, and are upright and scrupulously honest, and fulfil their duties with ‘adl (justice) and qist (fairness), they gain the love of the people, and they have great reward with Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. But if they are corrupt and unjust, they should fear the cry of the oppressed, and the punishment of Allāh on the Day of Judgment.
Muslims have to obey their leaders as long as they do not act contrary to the Qur’ān and the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam said that to speak up against a tyrannical ruler is an act of jihād.
He advised that whenever there are three or more Muslims in a group, they should appoint an amīr (leader) who will be followed.
Different groups of people possess different type of authority. The imāms in the masājid have authority over the people in the masājid, husbands have authority over their wives, teachers over their students, and parents over their children. They have to be obeyed. With authority goes responsibility. They have to fulfil their responsibilities with love, compassion and wisdom.
Rulers of countries have the responsibility of establishing law and order and Islamic justice according to the Holy Qur’ān and the Sunnah. The ‘ulamā’ (Muslim scholars) have the responsibility of teaching about sharī‘ah (sacred Muslim law). The qādīs (Muslim judges) are appointed as the judicial authority. The Awliyā’ Allāh (Friends of Allāh, sūfī masters) rule over the hearts of the people, drawing them towards Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

the trusted ones, those who do not display any outward sign of their spiritual greatness

Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam said that Paradise lies under the feet of the mother. So we have to gain Paradise by serving her. In Islām, serving the mother is three times more important than serving the father (pl: ummahāt)

Umm al-kitāb
the mother of the Book. It is with Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā

Umm al-mu’minīn
the Mother of the Believers, a title given to each of the blessed wives of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (pl: ummahāt al- mu’minīn)

Umm al-Qurā
the mother of all the cities, Makka. Qurā is the plural of qarya which means town or village

Umm al-Qur’ān
“the Mother of the Qur’ān”, the opening Sūrah of the Qur’ān, Sūrah al-Fātiha

the community as identified by its religion, law, and morality; refers especially to the world-wide community of Muslims

ummah wasatā
a justly balanced community, refers to Muslims.
An example to illustrate this is that while the Christians are on the one extreme in calling Nabī ‘Īsā ‘Alayhissalām (Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him) son of God, and the Jews are on the other extreme of calling him a mere Rabbi, Muslims are justly balanced in proclaiming the Divine Truth that he is one of the five greatest Prophets sent by Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā.
The second example is that of the marriage institution. On the one hand, Muslims reject the extreme notion that celibacy is an ideal to be pursued. On the other hand, Muslims condemn the sexual licentiousness and nudity that is promoted by money-worshipping capitalists. Muslims adopt the golden mean of championing the noble institution of marriage

ummatī ummatī
“my community, my community”. This will be the plea of the Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam before Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā on the Day of Judgment to forgive the Muslims, and Allāh will accept his plea

untaught. Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam was not taught by any human, but he was taught directly by Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā. One of his titles is an-Nabī al- Ummī which means the Prophet who was not taught by any human


the ‘minor Pilgrimage’ to the Holy House in Makka. ‘Umra (the minor Pilgrimage) has fewer ceremonies and rites than Hajj (the major Pilgrimage). Hajj can be performed only in the month of Dhu’l Hijja while ‘Umra can be performed at any time of the year

affairs. All the affairs and matters ultimately return to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā for Final Judgment

intimate friendship

female (pl: ināth)

‘uqbā salīma
felicitous end as a believing Muslim, eternal salvation in the Hereafter

‘uqdatun nikāh
the marriage tie.
Marriage is a sacred bond which all Muslims take very seriously to heart. The married couple pray to Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā to keep them blissfully tied with love and compassion and to bestow upon them pious and virtuous children who are going to be a delight of their eyes

‘uqūq al-wālidayn
disobedience or disrespect of parents. This is one of the kabāir (major sins)

climb, ascent.
There is no limit to the spiritual ascent of Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. He ascended the seven heavens on his night journey of mi‘rāj to meet Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā.
The word ‘urūj has the same root as the word mi‘rāj

Little Lion

one tenth of the yield of land that is taken by the government for public welfare

hardship. The Holy Qur’ān tells us that after hardship comes ease

foundation. The foundation of any endeavour should be taqwā (reverential awe of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā)

teacher (pl: asātidha, f: ustādha)

principles, roots of lineage, the fundamentals of al-Islām (s: asl)

uswa hasana
beautiful example. We have the best example in the pattern of life, and in the behaviour and moral character of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam and we should live according to it

someone who is on a spiritual path (tarīqa) but who has not yet found a shaykh (spiritual guide), in the same way as Sayyidinā Uways al-Qaranī Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu was a loving follower of the beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam but who did not meet him

‘uyūb an-nafs
imperfections of the self

seclusion (for worship of Allāh Subhānahū wa Ta‘ālā and contemplation)


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